I hope this finds you well in health and in spirit. Just wanted to let you know I've begun *occasionally* blogging over www.elsbe.wordpress.com. I've been hankering to try out wordpress for a while and it felt strange to write about my new life back in the States here on this blog. I hope you'll transfer your bookmarks and keep reading; as a teaser, Large Developments in the Life of Elf are pending announcement and you wouldn't want to miss out.
Life in America is so full of up-and-down. Or perhaps, better said, I am full of up-and-down and America brings it out in me. Either way, it's rarely dull and usually worth photographing (another reason for continued reading).
Thank you for following this chapter of my life! Your e-mails, letters, notes of all kind, phone calls, prayers and encouragements were deeply appreciated.
Au revoir!