Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Yes sir, I have a plane ticket!

And now, it is really-and-truly official. Travels are scheduled to begin Monday night, October 1 and end October 3. I must admit, hanging up the phone after talking with my travel agent, I had my first case of real butterflies. It is such a strange combination of excitement and apprehension.

"You get what you pay for" has taken on an entirely new meaning for me in the last 24 hours. Looking up my weight limit for baggage, I was initially delighted to read '70 lbs/2 suitcases' listed on the airline's website. Well, after scrolling down a few inches, my party was quickly rained out. I am, as I have for my entire life, flying as an economy passenger. Apparently, I signed up not just for less leg room, but also a 50 pound weight limit on baggage. I'll be sure to keep you updated as I attempt to pack a life into one suitcase and a backpack!

Five days, give or take a few hours. Wooo.

1 comment:

Melanie B said...

Really? Are you sure it's not max of 50 lb per piece? That's what I've usually seen- 70 lb total but any one piece can't be over 50 lb.

So says the one who has traveled business exactly ONCE in her life... :)